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Alahazrat: Ancestors


The ancestors of AlaHazrat Imam Ahmad Raza belonged from Qandhar, Afghanistan  to the Barhaich Pathan tribe. Among his forefathers Hazrat Sayeedullah Khan came India along with Nadirshah Abdali who invaded India in 1739 (Aasarus-Sandeed). Nadir Shah returned back but Hazrat Sayeedullah Khan stayed in India. Sultan Muhammad Shah appointed him as the commander of six thousand soldiers in Royal army. He was given the title of "Shuja'at Jang Bahadur" 

Hazrat Sa'adat yar Khan, the elder son of Hazrat Sayeedullah Khan was the revenue minister of Sultan Muhammad Shah. Sultan granted him a land grant in Budaun. 

Hazrat Sa'adat yar Khan's elder son Hazrat Muhammad Azam Khan was also attached with the Royal court but after a few years he terminaiting himself from Royal services entered to the feld of mysticism. He had taken up abode in Bareilly, in the Mohalla Biharipur Memaran. He died in Bareilly & was burried in the grave yard of Biharipur, Bareilly. 

 Hafiz Kazim Ali Khan, the elder son of Hazrat Azam Khan was the collector of Budaun He was awarded Jageer (land grant) in the village 'Kartauli' of district Budaun about 36 Kms away from Bareilly. This land remained under possession of the family of Imam Ahmad Raza till 1978. Hafiz Kazim Ali Khan was the disciple of Maulana Anwarul Haque firangimahli (d 1236 A.H.) Anwarul Haque firangimahli was the teacher of Imam Ahmad Raza's saintly guide shah Aale Rasool Marahravi. Hafiz Kazim Ali Khan had been helding Milad celebration every year on 12th Rabiul-Auwal. This is still continuings in this dynasty. 

 Maulana Raza Ali Khan was the elder son of Hafiz Kazim Ali Khan. He was born in Bareilly in 1224 A. H & died in 1286 A.H. He was a great Alim, jurist, Mufti, writer, speaker and dialecticion. 
He devoted himself for the Service of Din-o-Millat & rise to prosper. the divinity. He caused to write the refutation of Ismail Dehalvi's TAQWIATUL IMAN by his 
disciple Malik Muhammad Ali Khan entitled with 'Tashee-he-Taqwiatul Iman Radde-Taqwiatul Iman. All the ulama of Bareilly verified this book. Its manuscript is safe in 'Raza Library' Rampur under no 32/7579 After the martyrdum of Nawab Hafiz Rahmat Khan, Rohilkhand territory came under possession of Shujaud-Daula and his son Asifud-Daula. They began to give rise to Rafzite' (a Shi'ite dissenting sect). Maulana Raza Ali Khan also refuted this non-Islamic sect and secured the beliefs of Muslims. He wrote the sermons of "Juma, Idul-Fitr & Ide-Adha'in Arabic. His disciple Maulana Muhammad Hasan Ilmi collected them & adding his verifed urdu sermons compiled a book named "Khutbate Ilmi" This book is very much popular in Sunni circles of India and Pakistan. 

Maulana Raza Ali Khan was anti British & a freedom fighter. He verified the fatwa of Jehad' against British Govt. 

Maulana Naqi Ali Khan was the son of Maulana Raza Ali Khan.
Maulana Naqi Ali Khan (Birth-1246 A.H.-Demise:- 1297 AH) had three sons. 
(1) Imam Ahmad Raza Khan 
(2) Maulana Hasan Raza Khan 
(3) Maulana Muhammad Raza Ali Khan.

Maulana Hasan Raza Khan was an Alim, mystic & poet. 
Maulana Muhammad Raza Khan was an Alim & Mufti. 
Maulana Naqi Ali Khan was a great Jurist , Mufti & Writer. 
Imam Ahmad Raza has admired his scholar Ship & piety much. He taught Imam Ahmad Raza till the completion of his education. He refuted wahabism & mischiefs of the heretics. like his reverred father Maulana Raza Ali Khan. He was also anti British and a freedom fighter. He is the very fortunate person. who got the honour of becoming the father of the reviver of 14th Islamic century. He has written about 26 books from amongst which the following are mentionable :- 
1- Al-Kalamul Audhah ( The commentry of surah Alam Nashrah) 
2- wasilatun-Najaah (The biography of the Holy prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) 
3- Jawaharul Bayan 
4- Hidayatul Bariyah (Refutation of 10 false sects) 
5- Ahsanul we'a etc

|| Alahazrat Childhood || Academic Services || Alahazrat As a Mujaddid || Alahazrat as a Muhaddith || Alahazrat as a Jurist || Writing & Work || Spiritual Life || Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others || Various Fatawas of Alahazrat || Political activities of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan || Caliphs of Alahazrat || Pupils of Alahazrat || Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's Prophetic love || Imam Ahmed Raza Demise || Ancestors (Alahazrat) ||