Political activities of Alahazrat

Imam Ahmad Raza's Politics was very simple & based upon Islamic thoughts. He opposed
Hijra movement, Jehad movement, Khilafat movement and Non-cooperation movement because they were launched by
Gandhi & Hindus & not for welfare of Muslims & in the
Sympathy of usmani Sultanate of Turkey. Infact the Hindus liberating India from Briish Govt, wanted to
rule over the country forming it as "Ram Rajya" & making Muslims as their subjects and slaves. In
opposing Non cooperation movement what ever Imam Ahmad
Raza did, was not in support of British Govt, but in opposition of Muslim Hindu Unity. He declared the
cooperation with any Kaffir and Mushrik Unlawful.
Now see his view in these matters as under :-
- "Hijrah from Darul Islam is unlawful as there is
desolation of the mosques, disgrace of graves & ruin of women, children and old aged people.
- "Assistance by wealth (money) is not wajib for
poor and assistance by action for help less, therefore the order of Jehad and killing is not incumbed on the
Muslims of India"
- The Quranic Verses in abundance declared
cooperation with all Kaffirs Unlawful whether they be Majoos or Jews or christians or Hindus.
- Imam Ahmad Raza had Fiqhi differnces with those
who considered the sultanate of Turkey as Khilafat in the sense of Shariah. Maulvi Abdul Bari Firangi Mahli
& Abul Kalam Azad had not admitted the Qarshiyat necessary for Khilafat but according to Ahle sunnah
Qarshiyat is the condition for Caliphate & he (Imam Ahmad Raza) proved this condition in the light of the
Holy Hadith & refuted the views of Maulvi Abdul Bari and Abul Kalam Azad.
Imam Ahmad Raza had his own programme of providing help to the Turks.
- Imam Ahmad Raza refuted Maulvi Abdul Bari on
following Mr Gandhi & Coperating the Kaffirs & Mushriks.
- Imam Ahmad Raza presented four points programme for
economic & social welfare of Muslims. He also refuted those theories of Science which were
against Islamic thoughts. He refuted Newton, Kepler, Gallileo, Hershel & others and proved the earth is
- Imam Ahmad Raza refuted Nadviah. He received fatwa
from Ulama of the Holy Hermain & Published the book entitled with "Fatawa-al-Hermain.
- Imam Ahmad Raza refuted the Necharitat
- Besides rebuttal of Moharram mourning, unvieling &
false mysticism etc, he also rebutted card playing, other fun & sports, the funeral feast & false customs
of marriage etc.
|| Alahazrat Childhood || Academic Services || Alahazrat As a Mujaddid || Alahazrat as a Muhaddith || Alahazrat as a Jurist || Writing & Work || Spiritual Life || Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others || Various Fatawas of Alahazrat || Political activities of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan || Caliphs of Alahazrat || Pupils of Alahazrat || Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's Prophetic love || Imam Ahmed Raza Demise || Ancestors (Alahazrat) ||