Alahazrat as a Muhaddith

Imam Ahmad Raza was not merely a great Faqih (Jurist) but was also a great
Shaikh Yaseen Ahmad Al-Khiyari-Al Madni has written that he was the Imam of Muhaddithin (Leader of
Tradition alists)
Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi & his father Maulana Abdul Hayee have also admitted Imam Ahmad Raza's grasp
of Hadith with reference to his treatise "Al-Zubdatul-Zakiyah"
The following treatise testify to his comprehension of Ilm-e-Hadith :-
* Muneerul- Ain
* Al-Zubdatul Zakiyah
* Al Nahiul Akid
* Alfadhlul- Mohibi
* Madaraji-Tabqat-al-Hadith
* Addaulatul Makkiah etc.
|| Alahazrat Childhood ||
Academic Services ||
Alahazrat As a Mujaddid ||
Alahazrat as a Muhaddith ||
Alahazrat as a Jurist ||
Writing & Work ||
Spiritual Life ||
Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others ||
Various Fatawas of Alahazrat ||
Political activities of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ||
Caliphs of Alahazrat ||
Pupils of Alahazrat ||
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's Prophetic love ||
Imam Ahmed Raza Demise ||
Ancestors (Alahazrat) ||