Alahazrat as a Jurist

Jurisprudence was the main Subject of Imam Ahmad Raza. He was originally a Jurist.
Fatawa Radhvia consisting 12 Volumes spread over 12000pages in big size is a marvellous work of Imam
Ahmad Raza. This is a collection of thousand of Fatawa, Solution of thousands religious issues &
problems. This book contains many researches of Imam Ahmad Raza in Fiqh.
For example Aalahazrat Imam Ahmad Raza has described 306 kinds of water and discussing
their qualities, Chemical reactions etc, he has proved that with 160 kinds of water Wadhu (Ablution) can be
made & with 146 kinds of water the ablution is not permissible.
Like wise about Tayammum (Alternative of ablution) he has drawn a list of 181 things (Soil & other matters)
fit to be used for Tayammum & a list of 130 things unfit for this purpose. This Fatawa Radhvia is an
ocean of learning & knowledge. Imam Ahmad Raza has used theories of physics, Geology, chemistry,
logarithm, spherical Trigonometry, Algebra and view
points of trade, commerce & Economics etc in this book. He has made the
rational branches of knowledge the slave of Fiqh and Divinity. This is
infact a constitution of life .
His another work in Fiqh is "Jiddul Mumtar." "Kiflul Faqihil Fahim" is also a good example of his skill in
Ulama and Jurist's of his time & the present age have admitted his skill in Fiqh.
|| Alahazrat Childhood ||
Academic Services ||
Alahazrat As a Mujaddid ||
Alahazrat as a Muhaddith ||
Alahazrat as a Jurist ||
Writing & Work ||
Spiritual Life ||
Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others ||
Various Fatawas of Alahazrat ||
Political activities of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ||
Caliphs of Alahazrat ||
Pupils of Alahazrat ||
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's Prophetic love ||
Imam Ahmed Raza Demise ||
Ancestors (Alahazrat) ||