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Official Website of Dargah-e-Aala Hazrat, Bareilly Shareef (India)

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Introduction: Alahazrat


The personality of AALA HAZRAT Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil-e-Bareilvi needs no introduction. Today his glory is echoing in the entire world. Besides Ulama,. Madaris & religious groups, Scholars, universities & modern circles are also attentive to him. Till now many scholars from the Universities of India, Pakistan & U.S.A. have done PhD on him & still the research work on him is continuing in Indian Universities & abroad.

Imam Ahmad Raza was the reviver of 14th Islamic century. He was the person of world importance. In 400 years world history such an amazing Alim & Scholar and versatile genius is not found as Imam Ahmad Raza was. He is of course Aalahazrat i.e. the great threshold. He was greater than all Ulama & saints of his period as he was the reviver of his century & so he was called AALAHAZRAT He is the man of the century.

|| Alahazrat Childhood || Academic Services || Alahazrat As a Mujaddid || Alahazrat as a Muhaddith || Alahazrat as a Jurist || Writing & Work || Spiritual Life || Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others || Various Fatawas of Alahazrat || Political activities of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan || Caliphs of Alahazrat || Pupils of Alahazrat || Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's Prophetic love || Imam Ahmed Raza Demise || Ancestors (Alahazrat) ||

Message: Sahib-e-Sajjada

I'm happy to inform all of you that our Institution "MANZAR-E-ISLAM" has been running successfully for last 111 years. Presently about hundreds of students are getting educations. There is also arrangement their food and lodging. Our Madrasa is running successfully in the light of Sunniyat, given by the great Personality of "Ala Hazrat". I expect from all the lovers and followers of Ala Hazrat that they should give their love and co-operation for the development of Madrasa. Insha Allah our Madrasa will spread light of Sunniyat in the whole world day by day.

Maulana Subhan Raza Khan"Subhani Mian"
Sajjada Nashin Khanqah-e-Alia Razvia
"Dargah-e-Alahazrat" Bareilly Sharif UP(India)
Manager: Jamia Razvia Manzar-e-Islam